#also like the game isnt fun if you arent just a bit 'evil'
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juniperberries-canisroot · 2 years ago
People who play as a goody two-shoes or some holy paladin who never steal, murder or assult are so much stronger than I am.
I have to make all of my characters excuse stealing or be pro stealing and murdering some annoying NPC, pickpocketing the wandering mercenary for their note that never appears on my inventory (?), or killing them cause for some reason they are decked out in actual my level appropriate armour and I want it, stealing alchemy ingredients from court mages to help the merchant NPCs who need them. All my characters have to be a little shit who willingly does illegal stuff.
Well I have one 'goody two-shoes paladin' but I don't play with her cause she would be really boring.
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selamat-linting · 9 months ago
anyway another game update. because the last one isnt done
1. hardrock version
so, last few entries, i talked about getting silkworm and backpacks. turns out these things arent on my version of tfc. its on the hardrock version that requires you to boil your water, added a temperature system, and i think it also has tornados and piranhas? its much harder than the one i played. pro tip: if your installing the mod, dont just install tfc. i had a hard time with a lot of recipes because the tfc field guide on its own isnt very detailed. i got a lot better once i installed the essential beginner modpack that include map and coord help and JEI support to look up crafting recipes. even the harder version like hardrock was actually a modpack i believe.
tfc actually had a lot of version like tfc tng that only covers 1.18+ update, 1.20 current version, tfc plus, tfc hardcore, even the old original versions like 1.7.10 that came out ten years ago. the rule is, when in doubt, check field guide on github, install JEI mod, or ask their discord.
2. welding
anyway, back to the game. since my thatch bed is done and all i have to do is wait for the alpaca to be ready to shear again, i decided to make an anvil.
welding is an evil mechanic. the charcoal forge is evil too. i swear watching the copper ingot heats up is like watching water boil. but then if i look away and do something else the copper gets too hot and disappears. i lost quite a bit of ingots during the trial and error process. it is quite satisfying to see my first double ingots though. and crafting some bellows helped lot in making the forge heats up faster, and once you got it handled down, you slowly gets used to it and it becomes easy.
and then, you got your first copper anvil.
smithing is more fun and less tedious, because its a mini-game. but if there's one thing i want to automate, its that. more motivation for me to start making windmills. but then i realized the gear box needed to harness mechanical powers are made of brass, a metall alloy so i might have to do a lot of smithing manual anyway. fml
but seriously, smithing isnt as bad as welding things in a stone anvil. the waiting game isnt as horrible. i think, all the trouble i got just for my new copper boots and copper shields are worth it. im actually planning to do a helmet, but i dont have enough copper right now.
you know, i've been thinking of making a beginner's welding/smithing guide because there is a lot of ppl complaining abt it. i think once you got it handled its fun, but the documentation are hard to get through if youre very much a beginner gamer. i might not help ppl do a perfectly forged item (yet) but i can make crafting a copper anvil less of a pain in the ass.
3. farming / food
i might have made a mistake in moving after my base burned down. my place is cold. it has some very bright summers and spring, but its snowing more times in the year than it is sunny. its good for a steady supply of deer meat, but not good for farming.
but i still have quite a bit of a harvest. its so much that i need to make an extra food container and some of the crops rot because i just cant eat everything in time even when i mix everything up in soups and sandwiches. i can preserve and pickle things up more but i need vinegar and it requires sugar which grow from sugar canes and it doesnt grow in my area and maybe i also need to make jams so i have to make a jar but then that requires glassworking and turns out i need to craft a blowpipe and that requires. iron. and smithing on the anvil. astagfirullah.
back to farming, i can at least mitigate the short planting and growing season by using fertilizers to make things grow faster. which is where the crop rotation part came in. fertilizers have different ratio of phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen, while plants require just one of said nutrients. if i keep planting the same type of seed in the same farm soil, the nutrients that affect its growth will slowly deplete along with the crop yield over time while the other nutrients that could be used to double the yield and make faster growing time are left unused in the soil. there is also the matter of some plants being more resistant to cold weather like cabbages and barleys. i might need to make a excel sheet arranging the most efficient crop rotation and the best way to get as much out of the short planting season of my base's cold climate.
(to be continued because this has gotten too long already!)
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1tsjusty0u · 11 months ago
HM you know what. any tropes YOU like/dislike in zelda games...?
so. ffull disclaimer here ichave. not played many zelda games. ive Started some (alttp got to the first dark world dungeon, oot got to the forest temple, majoras mask got to ikana canyon/stone tower, ww got to getting triforce pieces, albw got to the first lorule dungeon, twilight princess i. barely got through due to wanting to finish a game . i got to wolf and midna moment or the second ish act?, and i started triforce heroes.) but ive only finished. 2 games (botw and the minish cap). so my information may be limited here
starting with ones i dislike!
1. crystallizing zelda/keeping her damseled. when shes not in a “disguise” alla tetra and sheik she will be Immediately cast off to the side or trapped. like. i know the usual point of the games is to save zelda (except when. it isnt in the first half of the game) but please let her Do Something…!!! i love sheik and tetra theyre great, its just. as soon as they transform into zelda suddenly their characters and roles are discarded- sheik frame perfectly gets captured by ganondorf when theyre in their princess. state? tetra is a bit better but she and zelda really arent the same person- fuzz punch arcade put it better than i could saying “tetra is a pirate captain, the epitome of free-spirited career nut. zelda, is demure, takes the blame for things she cant control, and drops everything for link and the king.” this is probably a larger issue but. i dunno having zelda be . less of a concept would be nice? or like in games like botw, itd be nice if she wasnt a cutscene character but rather an npc who you can directly talk to. they almost did this in totk. with botw i understand it doesnt really work with the story, only working for post game . if. if there was one. but yeah. also this doesnt mean everyone has to like her or even put her in like. fanworks if they dont want to. some zelda games dont even have zelda in them like majoras mask its just if youre Going to do her please do her better
2. the monsters being Directly tied to ganon. like in oot its fine, great even, because those are boss monsters in specific circumstances (and also have the general theme of being parasites in the first half, the second half they just guard the sages). im talking about Every monster being tied to ganon in some way (like botw or totk). it makes him less of a guy who does things and more not a guy but the devil incarnate whos so so So evil trust me guys look hes even the source of monsters. how. hes That Evil. this is taking some liberties as monsters may have existed before ganon or at least the calamity in botw they were just docile, and in totk the shrines took care of the monsters but where they came from is up to debate, with the memory of ganon getting the stone i believe showing the. creation????? respawning of monsters it really does feel like they Come From Him though.
3. villages having one race exclusively. ive said this before but id like there to be villages where hylians and zora and gorons and rito and sheikah and gerudo live Together would be nice. especially in botw theres. ruins of settlements near places like rito village that have hylian esque designs. so rito and hylians could have lived in the same village. they technically do this in minish cap? the humans cant. See Them though except for kids
4. love interests in general or characters exclusively made to be love interests. whether its zelda or not im just not a fan though its more a personal thing.
5. i dont hate this more dislike it but bosses having one really easy tell. its just either not fun but you know what you need to go for or its fun but you know what you need to go for. i kind of wish they were done like lynels in botw- theyre Hard if you dont know what youre doing, but you Can after enough practice. also the great plateau lynel is great you cant do what you normally do with it you have to get headshots to stun it then go on its back to not take damage. figuring that out is not complex but shows you Know the game. i do understand bosses mimicking lynels in how they test the player is very hard to do especially how they can Keep testing the player
6. hyrule always being the best/greatest or just being. The Main Place or the main narrative being to defend hyrule. half of this is from the imperialism but half of the time im just tired of hyrule as a thing honestly. i dont serve any country not mine nor hyrule i simply game. i also dont know how prevalent this is in most games either so i may be biased here
i do wish i could think of. more lighthearted?? tropes for the above like neutral things like sages frequently appearing or certain items popping up but usually i dont care unless its done badly. totk is like that but the whole game is like that too so its an outlier to me, otherwise its just There.
onto things i like!
1. LENS OF TRUTH LENS OF TRUTH LENS OF TRUTH. i think its so neat :]
2. mail the concept of mail mailboxes and the no longer working tingle mail bottle feature in the ww
3. SONGS. MUSIC. the ocarina songs and them opening up places + certain songs being important generally like the ballad of the windfish
4. milk bars. im adding one to pre cal botw but i just like them !! especially the little songs that can play in there in albw
5. kakariko having graves for some reason. i do like graves in general but kakariko Specifically being the one to have them is interesting
6. dark worlds or other worlds. i especially like lorule!! termina is very cool too
id probably put more but i am. getting distracted by outside things. so for now that is it.
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nanjokei · 1 year ago
some oc "verses" i have (verses? stories? idk)
too complicated to explain without a decade of context so i wont for now
high school detective story where everyone is stuck in a time loop. they keep repeating the same cases over and over until it gets kinda comfy, and both detectives (both girls btw, and yes there is _something_ there but watch out) are differing degrees of The Joker, but eventually the routine is broken and it becomes apparent that theres Other Stuff is going on and there are a few others who are aware of the looping to their own ends. anyway one of the detectives is actually the one who trapped them there because Reasons. tbh the setting is a bit weak bc i came up with it as a teenager but i like it too much to rework it<-you can ask about this one but im shy
famous people of varying levels of noteriety are kidnapped and made to participate in a reality television show where death is on the table. three characters present are estranged childhood friends with A Past. the two above are linked to this, it shares characters and setting all the way through. most prominently several characters from the bullet point before this are involved. one of the main characters is the younger brother of someone involved also. im not sure what the endgame of this one is but theres timeloop bullshit in this one also<-this ones messy but you can ask probably
everything is linked through the same metaverse (its a long story) but all together there are some stuff that are less loosely connected. also yeah due to it all being a part of the same metaverse thats why sometimes there is time loop bullshit. also um... a lot of higher beings messing with people for no reason
more fantasy premise and a little more gag. kind of? but a hero coming down from a line of chosen heroes is dispatched to the line of duty to vanquish.. some kind of evil (no one is even sure what) but right in the beginning someone sets the convent he was picking up his companion from on fire. theyre seperated and he is accompanied by a different woman instead. from then on he ends up picking up nothing but the "wrong" party members, specifically people who are actually supposed to be bosses. meanwhile the actual proper party members to be become enemies. i really like this one. <-if you ask me about it i will probably tell you more
magical girl thing, idk, to be honest i made this one up when i was 16 so i dont like the concept that much, it was edgy but didnt make sense, i wanna rework it so the characters arent high schoolers anymore. its nothing objectionable just cringe in a way that isnt fun. so i dont have much to say about it, but it also exists as an arcade game in the main timeline thing so im mentioning it
mecha premise, when aliens come down to challenge earth into a fight to extinction FOR FUN, supplying them with all manner of advanced technology and blueprints to build giant mechs to level the playing field. this was kept a secret, kinda like some area 51 shit. decades later in 2011, a number of young adults (18~26) who have specific traits as outlined by the aliens are put into cryonic sleep. they were promised it'd be for 25 years, but the project stalled, and then a world war broke out, and the waiting time ended up actually being nearly a century. they wake up to a delipidated base with very few actual staff, to the point where most of them have to become bridge bunnies, and many of the things promised to them in the future turned out to not be possible (for example one of the candidates was terminally ill and was promised a cure, or even just a proper diagnosis but woke up only to be given a medicine to treat it indefinitely and with no promise of continued effectiveness). there is also a little time loop bullshit here. sorry. also the government also made their own mechs and end up poaching a few from the candidates throughout the story. later on Something secret happens sorry i wont say. <-i might tell you more if you ask about this one because i like it very much also. but also because its the newest
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
Rambling about my new watchholder oc Mallory
* absolute gremlin child. Eats dirt. Probably more of a monster than most of the yokai.
* at the same time tho, she is like super sunshine friend! She looks kinda gloomy ominous but her personality is actually super bubbly and her biggest priority in life is making new yokai friends and loving them forever. Like, creepy in a wholesome way? She does indeed love horror movies and creepy crawlies and could probably fistfight god, but that doesnt mean she's evil!
* kinda always bored but also easily exciteable? One of her biggest recurring jokes is just ignoring the normal or sane solution to a thing and doing something more fun even if its more difficult or dangerous. Actually i guess its more "fearless" than bored? Or bored of fear, lol. Fearless and doesnt really give a shit about any rules. But again not in a mean way, she doesnt break rules because she wants to piss people off, just like "im not gonna believe this if nobody bothers explaining why its supposed to be so important". But not exactly phrased like that cos that would be rude, lol. So uhh more like just relateable autism feel of not grasping social cues but mixed with a personality thats quite outgoing and uncaring of being judged poorly for not being normal, as opposed to me who's always worried about what people think.
* oh wait thats the word for it!! Free-spirited! Trickster! Like a peter pan type of trickster tho, more than loki. Like just "i am naturally outside the obligations of normalcy" rather than "i am intentionally trying to prank/illusion/manipulate people cos its funny". Or uhh i guess "manic pixie dream girl" but without all the stupid shit that trope has got associated with.
* pretty much just wish fullfillment of "what if i was confident enough to not care what people think and just act like myself no matter what"
* anyway in summary she likes to climb trees n stuff and her reaction to yokai being real is "yay" and her reaction to seeing an undefeatable giant kaiju is to run at it and try and suplex it with her bare hands. She's kind of a badass! Tho lol also her biggest character flaw is her badassness, cos she can be reckless due to the lack of fear. But then also sometimes when everyone is hopeless she really does manage to save the day no matter what, and help inspire everyone else to be brave too!
* though i'm thinking of maybe a character arc where she starts off seeing this as just a fun adventure with no stakes, and it doesnt matter if you take risks cos nobody's gonna get hurt anyway. Like a "this isnt really real, its just my hero's story" sort of thing? When things start getting more dark and she faces things she cant just defeat with simple optimism, it kinda stops being fun anymore. And she has to realize that even if she doesnt care about her own self preservation there's consequences that could happen to her friends and family. And maybe she's already made mistakes that she can't take back, and now she's neck deep in a conflict thats a lot bigger and more insurmountable than she thought. You can't just fistfight something like the abstract concept of hatred for humanity which will continue to be perpetuated as long as the idea keeps taking root. And maybe even yokai you befriended could start to believe it too, after all you've kinda been treating them as just fun toys and sidekicks on a story that's all about you, and dragging them into danger with your recklessness. Even though you're fighting the villains, are you really doing it because you actually care about saving the day? Do you even know what you're saving it from...?
* and similar to her unflappable victoryness being shaken, i think her fearlessness and confidence could also be deeper than they look on the surface. I feel like maybe as the story goes on it could be revealed that its less being fearless and more just not caring about her own safety. You start to see her get more actual consequences from her fights, and it starts to become sort of concerning that she keeps brushing it off as no big deal. Laughing it off. Wondering why her friends are even sad that she got hurt. And maybe she isnt really happy all the time and 100% secure in who she is, she just tries to hide any signs of doubt because she feels like nobody would care. And that she has to always be the funny class clown or else nobody would want to be her friend. And like.. She doesnt even really believe that she's great, believe that she's fine as she is. She's more aware of her weirdness than she lets on. She's constantly, paralyzingly aware that everyone thinks she's a freak. She did use to try and change herself to fit in, but she kept failing at it and it never helped her get any friends. Or when she did think she made a friend they'd turn on her whenever she slipped up and showed a crack in her mask of the perfect normal person. The perfect normal person they wanted her to be.. Constantly changing into WHATEVER anyone wanted her to be. The only reason she doesnt do that anymore is that she lost all hope in it working, not that she actually gained confidence in her true self. And even when she's npt conciously doing it she's still subconciously trying to be what people want her to be. She has to always be funny, always be fearless, she has to cling to the few parts of her weirdness that people dont seem to hate. And now she has to be the hero. She has to carry all the dreams of everyone she's met along the way, while never letting them know when she's scared she wont be able to help make them come true. She's always just laughing it off and never being fully open with any of her friends, because she's scared they'll hate her. ..
* so uhh.. Yeah. Personal experience of that. Personal experience of trying to fit into negative stereotypes of autism because thats what everyone saw me as no matter how hard i tried, and also it was the only form of autism theyd treat positively, somehow. Like just be the "funny one" and dont challenge any of their assumptions ans they'll leave you in relative peace. Put up with some degree of degredation to avoid the even worse version. And i was doing all of this at a very youbg age before i even knew i was autistic or what autism was, but i could still feel how people treated me differently and how i had to friggin agree with it or else they'd never let it go. Gahhh.. It was all way too complicated and dark for a kid to understand!
* so yeah anyway her story arc is going from being a badass funny to being a funny badass? Like she just becomes more genuinely tough and cool when she's not always winning and the stakes dont seem so low and comical AND most importantly you know her real feelings and see that she will indeed continue fighting even when she's scared. And she doesnt try so hard to be cool all the time so it just lets her be more genuine. And form actual relationships with everyone with genuine feelings. So its less "she is badass because its funny" and more "she is a badass because she's a badass". But she's still funny, just in more varied ways than simply "the only reason she won this fight so fast is because jokes". Fighting legit threatening enemies in fights that arent over in five seconds. So they can contain... SEVERAL joke..!!! And also some actual fighting for once!!
* hhh i dunno i am very tired im probably not explaining this well
* oh and i think possibly she has a bit of a complex of feeling she's nothing without her yokai watch? Like the yokai are her first friends who never abandoned her. And she always felt like she was useless and it was her own fault that she didnt have any friends. She first started off being all irreverent and goofy when she got the yokai watch cos she was well into her "i dont care anymore" phase of depression and felt certain these new friends would all realise she was awful eventually and leave, so like.. Why get attatched? Just have fun while it lasts. So maybe actually she shows early signs of her depression by trying harder to be normal whenever anyone shows her friendship. Maybe something where she starts straigjtening her hair or dressing more feminine and then you just see this look on her face like her heart has shattered when someone agrees that she does look better now. (Maybe a new yokai she recently caught who was like super cool and she wanted to impress them?) And she gets compulsively obsessed with it, exaggerating it to a ridiculous degree and starting to change other parts of her appearance and everyone goes from giggling about this weird circumstance to getting REALLY DAMN CONCERNED! And in the end something something the yokai who was an asshole abput her needing to be more feminine slips up and shows his true assy colours to the other yokai and theyre like IT WAS YOU and he's like "what? You should be thanking me for fixing your shitty trainer!" And Then Everyone Beats Him Up Forever. Etc etc moral that real friends accept you for who you are and anyone who tells you you have to change to impress them is not worth impressing. Also maybe some aspect where the yokai dude thinks that mallory is trying to impress him cos she has a crush on him, and thats the moment that manages to snap her out of her depressive funk. Self hate overrided by sheer EWW NO IM A LESBIAN, DUDE i just liked ur cool hat, geez. (Wait was that entire plot idea just an excuse to find a way to foreshadow her getting a crush on hailey in yw3...?)
* and maybe i dunno some sort of dramatic episode where she loses the ability to use the yokai watch and is faced with her self worth issues all at once and its super fuckin sad and we all know eventually she will get to see all her yokai friends again cos the plots not gonna end before finishing all the games but still MEGA SUPER SAD MOMENT ANYWAY (also tearful reunions!)
* also i just heard theres a yokai called furgus thats a big adorable hairball that gives people big hair. So maybe that could be one of the comically easy victory episodes? He uses his power on mallory but her hair is already too fluffy to be floofed! Maybe it backfires and turns his own hair into a boring bowl cut, lol? And then maybe a sequel where he returns for revenge a million episodes later but it just so happens to be during the maddiman boss fight and he accidentally cures his balding. "Noooo dont thank me nooooo" *is forced against his will to become a popular advertosing mascot for hair cream* *like straight up just gets sucked into the nearest bottle and sealed like a genie* *cursed forever to fame and fortune and a million dollar salary*
* lol i dont think im as funny as the actual yokai watch writers but i have a few ideas at least. This will be fun to draw!
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cheeso · 7 years ago
harry potter review
i had never seen these movies before. i missed out on this zeitgeist/sensation when i was in the age range because i had shit to do i had like 4 dreamcast games. then when the movies came out i had more shit to do i had like 5 wii games AND i hadnt got the true ending in pikmin 2. anyway now that im in exile and most of my games have been obliterated by solar flares i had some time to kill, so in the vein of my previous ‘Shrek’ reviews i will now assess each of these very funny little scary funny  films for children to see which is the top dog
harry potter 1: harry potter and the first one
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(4 tiny scream guys out of 5)
ok! well i thought this movie was going to be terrible but i guess it wasnt that bad. harry potter is an auspicious child actor who gets attacked by a reductive evil aunt plotline and then also by lots of paper. harry goes to a castle and meets a bunch of stock characters and wanders about a dark corridor. i feel bad for these kids that got stuck having to do these movies for the next ten years
harry potter and 2: harry pppp and the attack of the talking toilets
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man its okay i suppose! they have to fly a car at the start and they get yelled at for that. apparently no fucking fun is allowed even though theres magic. “ahhh we have to use a train” fuck you! trains arent magic. so harry has to find a magic room. they call the room the chamber of secrets but the only secret is that there is a big snake. most of the chambers here have secrets anyway. it should be like “chamber of one of the secrets (not really a great one)(unless u like snakes)”
harry potter and the confusing fight in the darkness
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harry has landed himself in big trouble when a scary ghost chases him to zap his brains out. im not gonna lie this film was incredibly difficult to see! it was very dark everywhere, but that made it harder to see where the ghost was, increasing the “wow” factor. at the end they go back in time. after that i asked just about everyone i knew who read these books in high school why they didnt use that again later in the series and it made all of them really frustrated and i liked that.
harry potter and the goblin of fffffffffffffffffffff harry potter and arguing
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his movie starts with a giant cgi leprechaun waving his ass in your face which is more or less also what i think of this bad movie. i believe that at some point in diddy kong rowling’s career someone told her that good plots must have conflict and it looks like she took this advice to heart without really understanding it. the application of this is pretty much that every dry spot that could be filled with anything remotely smile-inducing is replaced with harry potter saying Shut the fuck up. I’m going to fucking kill you to everyone. theres a dragon or something. zzz. “aahhhh bad scary stuff is happening” dont care
harry potters bible club and bowling alley
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well folks by now this movies has hit a bit of a low point and for harry too as he is forced to put up with the red tape of wizard bureaucracy. we are supposed to believe that magic people society as a whole inhabits the same ‘battery office’ type lifestyle as us mongols! i wonder what other fun ways the layer of mildly enchanting derivative fantasy introduced at the beginning of this series can be worn down and eroded. i dont remember what else happened in this. to be honest i wasnt even looking at the screen for most of it but i bet it was bad. actually after this point i totally zoned out.
harry potter and the fresh prince of bel air
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harry potter solves racism by being hit on by a black waitress then abandons her at a train station. then the rest of the movie happens.
harry potter VS capcom ultimate part 1
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a series of outtakes from the blair witch project strategically arranged to seem like a story
the last one
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im so tired of writing these reviews. to be honest this wasnt even that bad but imagining watching it without any prior knowledge boggles the mind that this series got the exposure that it did. isnt this like the most profitable movie franchise of all time? voldemort does absolutely nothing for this whole series except fail utterly and has no charisma whatsoever. likewise with harry but give him a break hes been doing this shit since he was like 9 let him go home already. SPOILERS it ends with a dumb scene where they have babies 
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kurainburdened · 7 years ago
POKEMON AU pls.... bc i know ur passionate abt pokemon and honestly Me Too
III LOVE YOU!!! I WAS PLANNING ON MAKING THIS A THING WHERE I ADD IN THE SENDERS MUSE INTO THE HCS BUT MAYA AND YOUR MUSE NEVER INTERACTED WHICH IS A CRIME!!! Dont tell edgeworth or she might get arrested lol. But anway!! I want to do stuff with you!!
Number 1
Mayas first pokemon, funny enough isnt a ghost type, but a normal type. See, in the pokemon verse Mayas background is basically the same. The Fey village is basically unchanged in this worly except for one thing. On a certain part of the mountainside is a forest that travellers tend to get lost in for ages. Many report hallucinations as being the main cause for this so it’s kind of cut off. Maya, being the rebel she is, of course wanders it in hopes of conquering it. Her sister is usually the voice of reason and really it would only take her being like. what if youre lost forever or something to scare her into staying but shes not ther so into the forest she goes! It’s there that she finds a waterfall and goes there to train constantly. She tries and tries to channel spirits and one day, she succeeds! Or so she thinks. The first time she thinks she’s channeled another spirit, she sees herself as the spirit she’s been trying to channel, sees her now-possessed body moving and acting on it’s own. When she runs back to the village to tell her story, she’s told that she couldn’t have channeled a spirit because if she did she would’ve been unconscious. 
Confused Maya goes back and tries again only to get the same result. After a bit of investigating Maya realizes the source of travelers getting lost and the hallucinations is due to a stantler. This Stantler saw Maya, this little girl training so hard that it took pity on her, and wanting to help in the only way it could let her see herself channeling a spirit. At first Maya is crushed and upset at the pokemon for giving her false hope but quickly forgives it and thanks it for wanting to help. The pokemon soon takes on this kind of caring role for Maya, along with also being her only playmate seeing as the other girls in the village are kind of distant with her. Her being the heir to the Master title and Morgan instructing them to listen to her and listen to all her selfish desires, leading to them being resentful of her. Anyway, also to build off of that. Once Mayas sister dies, she asks the Stantler to let her see her Sister again. And thats like a thing she did for awhile before telling it to stop because it became this painful reminder of something she could never do which is channel her sister. Actually fun fact she asked the stantler to show her her mother but was heartbroken when it basically gave her the answer that it couldnt because Maya didn’t have the memory of her mothers face anymore. Anyway. One time when shes particularly heartbroken and hopeless she laments in the forest to herself how shes so useless and cant do anything right. How she hates herself for being this way. Hates herself for not being able to compare to Mia or her mother. At this point she sees the image of her sister saying shes proud of her. Maya is angry at Stantler for showing her such a horrible lie and runs away. Only to later be told by the pokemon that it wasn;t trying to make her see her sister say that, rather it was the only way of communicating that even if no one else appreciated her, it was proud of her. 
That’s right another in depth backstory for another pokemon hopefully not as long lol
The next on the list is a primeape that lives in the forest, training with sawk and throh. It kind of ended up getting abandonned by it’s trainer in a place where this breed of pokemon aren’t really found but it’s found it’s place with the sawk and throh so it doesn’t mind too much. It ended up earning it’s respect with good old fashioned fighting and is kind of in a ‘king of the forest’ position. Scary and intimidating and bent on establishing its dominance to all that challenge it! Anyway, while Maya is exploring the mountainside of her village she finds out about it and it’s plain to see that Primeape has a certain amount of respect among the other fighting types. After having seen a cool tv episode where the hero challenges the strongest of the strong a really young Maya decides to do the same, announcing loudly when the pokemon is alone that she’s here to challenge the pokemon to a duel to the death! She runs up throws her small fist at the might and strong pokemon!
To which, not wanting to hurt this strange small child, primeape falls over dramatically, clutching the side which she hit and lets its tongue flop out all goofy in the hopes of appeasing her. Maya, not really sure what to do, honestly not even having thought this far ahead starts getting worried for the pokemon and starts crying to which it quickly gets up in a panic to reassure her its ok. From there it kind of takes on this older brother position with her. Also playing with her, letting her grab onto it as she swings throughout the trees. 
Goodness this Maya is turning out to be much more of a wild child than her aa counterpart. She’s not exactly strong, but she’s more athletic I’d imagine in this version. More nimble but can definitely have her clumsy moments on occasion. 
putting last three under cut cause THIS IS LONG. IF YOURE ON MOBILE IM SO SORRY
Number three!
Goodness I stuffed way too much into those other HCs but onto Phoenix! Anyway this also remains for the most part unchanged. What you think the pokemon world doesn’t need lawyers? Anyway, quick tanget but trainers arent really…it’s not a sustainable lifestyle, most people do it as a way of coming of age before moving into the respective field they took interest in during their travels. So no, if you have a pokemon au you don’t have to be some professional trainer. Professional battles are like a sport and trainers are athletes. Sure people enjoy it on the side but it’s NOT the norm to make it a living off of it. You have to be smart and strategic in a very complicatedf sport that takes a LOT  of training and it’s not like in the game where if you spam tackle after walking around for 5 seconds you gain XP. its more like you’re a coach training 6 athletes in how to train their bodies in the best way possible while coming up with tons of game plans. 
anyway tangent over. Phoenix is a lawyer and this taking place in the pokemon world only lends itself towards there being much more factors to consider when thinking of how murders occured. Her life with Phoenix for the most part remains unchanged but as a side note Maya encounters a lot of pokemon along the way during her travels with phoenix. She thinks strong heroic looking pokemon are cool so she tends towards pokemon like sawk and throh or conkeldurr. OH AND IVE BEEN SETTING THIS IN SPECIFICALLY UNOVA AND ONLY RESEARCHING THE UNOVA DEX FOR MAYA ND THE POKEMON THAT SURROUND HER. 
I feel like.. Audino might enter theyre little group at one point? Like Stantler comes with her when she leaves the mountain cause Stantler is a worrywart and Maya is a mess and has never been down to the big city, but Primeape is more trusting in Maya and her abilities and knows shes much stronger than a lot of people give her credit for. He doesn’t come down the mountain to be with her until much later just cause he has a pack to guide. Actually the pokemon it leaves in charge is like another pokemon Maya is close with since it was primeapes apprentice and maya and this pokemon were kids together and kind of were the babies of the pack ANYWAY SORRY TANGENT. 
aNYWAY AUDINO. A while back Audino were attempted to be integrated into crime fighting in some way since the way theyre psychic powers work they’d be able to sense overwhelming…i guess malevolence or evil or bad intentions but like. It’s just REALLY unhealthy for them and it really signifigantly lessens their lifespans just cuase all the negativity eats away at them emotionally and one of the pokemon, it’s really old honestly like it was one of the pokemon that originally was part of this attempt to integrate these pokemon with the police force and was luckily enough like it survived long enough for them to end the program and it just…can’t endure being around negativity anymore like it’s really stressful so it enjoys being around Maya just cause she is really kindhearted and senstive and good and the Wright office is filled with kind hearted people so it just takes comfort being there. It doesn’t really leave the office though and while it’s there for everyone it really does belong to Maya for the most part. 
Im kind of just going off on differen points in this one huh. Like the other wre a story here im just like SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS. 
Number 4 (where diana tries to stop being ADHD and hopefully doesnt fail miserably)
Honestly you’d think being part of a back of fighting types would make her more suited towards groups and make her less selfish. Spoiler alert. It didn’t  If you think Maya is good at making people do what she wants now you shouldve seen her when she was a kid. Though it also means shes got a entire pack of fighting types who will die for her and if you make her cry you better be sorry. and if youre not you’re going to be.  
Oh and also dont think that just cause Maya is a forest girl that oh shes strong and knows how to fight cause like. She really doesn’t. Honestly the pokemon around her kind of coddled her and outside of her gaining enough stamina to hold up against running around with her pokemon friends she’s not really….all that much stronger. She doesn’t know how to fight either. She can jsut run really fast and is more likely to attempt more dangerous things that she’s seen other pokemon do cause WHY NOT. She basically just has more dangerous influences lol
Number 5 cause i want to wrap this up a bit
Oh boy now what can i do for a fifth one lets see… see the thing is Maya is basically the same between the two versions of her except for certain like physical differents that I just listed. 
I guess here’s one but she doesn’t….she’s not a good trainer. Like her team, right now, is an old man of an Audino. A Stantler that can only do hallucinations and is kind of bad at fighting and then this powerhouse of a Primeape. 
The Primeape is a GREAT fgighter but tends to keep to the mountains unless it starts missing her and comes downt o visit real quick. Her other two are just…weak. Maya though is really good at thinking on her feet so she can use what her pokemon do have to come up with some great strategies. Thought his doesnt reall come out unless shes backed up against the wall. See the reason why everyone percieves Maya as stupid and useless is because that’s how she percieves herself. Maya for the most part does what she can in what she think she can do but doesn’t really let her true intellect show because shes convinced shes an idiot. She kind of jokes around with bad ideas but she really is quick on her feet and good in a clutch.
So the only time you see her good skills with her pokemon and coming up with inventive ways for these basically powerless pokemon to get her out of tight situations is when literally shes by herself, there’s no one else to rely on and lives are on the line.
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cielospeaks · 3 years ago
re: the drama abt f g o event
first off, honestly i dont rlly like the new designs. the new npcs are... ok. but like. i felt more potential from literally any other npc in the series, and i felt like they meshed better w the world they were in. katsu has a strong relationship w his sister and than gosh he got out of npc heck, shibata is chacha’s father and their relationship was rlly sweet/touching, maxwell is in the hecking original story, akechi has a cool design and is really integral to the nobunaga story. even the two new shinsengumi characters from last year were awesome and helped flesh out their story a lot more.
meanwhile i dont rlly feel inspired by any of the new npcs. theyre... ok? but they dont rlly click somehow. like. idk. they feel more like the creator wanted to make a “pretty clamp boy” or a “evil ceo” or a “big muscle boy” and not like they were actually making the characters. but then again apparently the whole event is like a final fantasy reference for literally no reason so it adds up to f g o bullshit referential ‘humor’
i also. idk. the event isnt over but im not into the new ryoma at all. he has that air of “smug evil pretty boy sexyman” that the game pushes a lot (douman, bad character, kirei, ect) and to make matters worse is kinda overwriting a neat character (that being ryoma) who doesnt have that personality at all. i am glad that ryoma does interact w him, and stands up for his friends, ect. (unlike marie, bc i dont think itd fit ryomas personality to just let his doppelganger abuse his loved ones just bc theyre pretty or something like that). idk if looks were it id stop there but he also is cruel to oryo, calling her a monster and basically just using her, and who knows what he says to ryoma/izou/ect. i dont trust or like him and honestly he can stay in npc heck far away from oryou after what he did.
im also just tired of the woman hating fans singling out izumi just because their lazy pretty boy designs arent playable. listen, if ur gonna blame anyone blame the teams obsession w voice actors/big names, as the kabuki robot is voiced by one of the main special guests, and that alone was probably a big factor in her being playable/5 star. izumi is a character ive wanted to see in the game for a very long time, and her design isnt blatant “sexy” the way tons of characters from the beloved lb6 were, or just a burning trash heap like lb5.2 and 5.5 were. shes a fun and interesting character yall just are sexist pieces of shit.
and more regarding characters. the “ranmaru is chuuni” thing would be fine, but please leave the mhx verse out of this. not only did your bad star wars parody kill halloween for 2 years, its also not funny and is just the laziest non committal excuse to pull together more “op” characters. also. yall are throwing a tantrum over some generic pretty boys not being added yet somehow stuff like saber wars/lb/ect is fine that it doesnt introduce guys/many guys? something seems a bit unbalanced. fucking bastar piece of shit scumbag worthless trash heaps i hate you all
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teddy-feathers · 8 years ago
Saw a post "what would you say to your ten year old self?" so... Dont worry so much about being the odd kid out those people are pretty lame and hell dude youll learn this long before you can put it into words but people generally like you if you actively listen to them... But yeah they dont really get invested back. So do what YOU like always. Dont hold back, you did okay about that but theres no point feeling like you're failing. Being social ISNT essential and youre not missing out on much really because again THEYRE kinda lame dude. Like seriously theyre not interested about your books or games or dont want to geek out WITH you? Then... Whats the point? And it sucks i know but you were right all along - do you. Fuck bras, fuck caring about weight, appearance, what other people think about how you look act and like especially fuck your aunt whos going to make you doubt that. Because honestly? Image of you reflecting on the family? ISNT a fucking thing except in very specific instances and you already KNOW that. Look I'm over twice your age now and let me tell you may be i feel a bit weird when i dress uber sloppy/comfy and its the same feeling I get when I dress "fun" but ive never regreted being comfortable in what I wanted to wear. But every time I dress for someone else? For how I should dress? Completely felt like shit the whole time not worth it. Another thing you were right about. The whole "like men but not going to missout on true love or whatever if they happen to be a girl or more than one person or something" THAT yes. Also you dont like guys. Its gross sex stuff I know you dont care about right now, but I know youll want to know in about two years so I'll just say - you dont give two fucks about whats in the other persons pants, what they look like or anything. Hell youre only demiromantic let alone sexual. Hmmm that may not be helpful youre ten and like i said you wont care for two years so how about... You want strong friendships. That love. Sex. Well you know. Youll figure it out and try it out long before youre really ready to know but thats okay. Just. Dont feel bad or obligated to like people back. You just dont and thats okay. You can date friends or not date. No biggy. But that thing youre craving is friendship and youll get it. Dont settle for less though. Another thing youre right about - I'm telling you the things youre RIGHT about so hopefully you REMEMBER them instead of doubting yourself - you dont want to be the center of someones world. You dont want to be responsible for other peoples happiness and YOU DONT HAVE TO BE EVER. And you dont need or have to want anyone to fill you up either. Its totally okay to just want to be you, do your thing, and make friends. I know, i said they were lame right? They dont share your interests. They dont listen. They dont care. I know. It sucks. But dont try to please them by changing you. Dude you meet so many wonderful people who do like things you like. Just. Make friends with people you like. Yes theyre scary and your definition of cool. Its better than being the token girl, making friends with gross people youd rather avoid. News flash: boys arent cool. Girls arent evil. Asshats are asshats reguardless of gender. Again just go talk to people you like and fuck everyone else. Now the really important thing. You love to read. Keep doing that. Steal all the time and dont regret it im so proud of you for being that person. Write. Write your stories and poetry, pretend its class notes, invest in a notebook cause lose paper gets soooo messy and crumples but yeah. Keep writing. No you dont have to know spelling or grammer or anything. Write whatever you want. People who think its stupid? LAME people trust me I know so many COOL talented people now and writing? Writing is cool. And youre good at it. You dont have to share it. But dont think its cringy or stupid. Write. Its really good and... I gave up thinking like that. And now? Now Ive been writing for about a year now. 26 and i have days where every word is a struggle and it sounds bland and boring but... In a year? Ive gotten so much better and people actually like some of my shit. So you just imagine if you keep writing? By the time youre me youll actually have published if you keep going. Keep writing. Because youll have had ten plus years of experience. Lastly... Its okay to not like shit. To be angry upset bored... Yes it makes things easier to find reasons to like what youre doing even though its sucky chores or doing things you didn't want to be doing... But you can hate it. To not what to put up with it. You dont have to shove yourself into a cage and smile and pretend things are okay. Being in trouble doesnt mean your wrong or have to change. Oh hey see if you can learn that sometimes youre not the one in trouble. They are ;) Youre stong. Smart. Clever. Creative. Pretty. Tough. You're a hard worker. Yeah I know I always tried to get out of doing things but dude You - I - We've never done things by halfs. Tend to give our all. No wonder we dont want to do anything huh? Its exhausting. But we keep going. We're stubborn. And... Theres going to be a lot of shit we're going to go through but... Youre always going to make it out to the other side. Youre going to be okay I promise. ... Lying is a problem with us but thats okay. You know why lying what we're always doing? Its because they made the truth the problem for us. If you can... It'll change things and I cant promise you it'll be for the better but... Only lie to protect yourself. Tell the truth when YOU trust people, not to the people you "should" trust - never do things just because you "should" listen to your gut and do what YOU feel is okay or not. - but do try to be honest about other people to yourself and to others. Dont... Lie to protect people. Maybe thingsll get easier if you do. You know how your parents treat you like the worst combination of adult and child? That never changes. Because theyre just kids too. I know they feel like they know and experienced so much so they must be right and you must be wrong but... Theyre kids figuring it out as they go along so SURE theyre right that they fooled you into believing it. They have a good prespective to work from but so do you. Theyre never yelling about you. Its never about you. They love you but that doesnt mean your dads not an asshole. Your moms not always wrong she just gives up arguing. Theyre arguing about the fact they suck at talking to one another and that they each always have to have thier way. It has nothing to do with you. Fuck grades. Just learn what you want. Also just do everything in school and then "do home work" - that is whatever the fuck you want - at home. You DONT have to be busy doing something productive every second but sense thats how they seem to want it, just use it against them. Youre "busy" on "homework" that you already had done so just play you game read write whatever. Fuck grades though. You learn better when you stop caring about them. Dont get sucked into dads humor even if you mean it positively or as a joke. YES its awesome that some people date the same gender as them. YES some girls dont have what you think - think not know - of as girl parts in their pants. YES people cross dress. Hell do it like youre going to want to. It IS fun. But dont CARE or deride people about whats in their pants or who theyre doing what with. Oh and some people DONT want to do anything sexual with anyone. Again. Dont laugh. Because guess what? Youre one of them. Do your "dumb kid shit". Just do it. Brag about it. Laugh at anyone who gives you shit cause theyre LAME for not liking it. Trust me. Also cussing - dude youre an adult and can do what you want... Though its WAY more fun to use made up curse I promise. Snail snot. Holey socks. Fudge it all to fudgedom hall up on old fudge hill. I know. Not much of a cheat sheet and a lecture to rivial any dads ever given. But... I still dont have all the answers. And thats okay. And even if you follow all this only YOU can control and experience YOUR life. If you actually get to read this... Youll grow up into someone different. Just as different if I told you in detail what happens from then to now. People who give you road maps and tell you to avoid the pot holes... They just make you feel like shit because you SEE it coming and do it anyways. So do you. Keep some of this in mind maybe. Youll be pretty cool either way even on the days you dont feel like it. Be safe Teddy (best nickname btw just saying)
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isaacathom · 8 years ago
ok ive decided stuff about the admins
theres 4 of them. theres YT, a Doctor guy, the Ceo, and a small fry who is the ‘fodder’ admin. think like..... proton??? the green guy from team rocket in gen 2/4. that guy.
cause i think that gives a good spread. cause in ‘marketing’, youd only know about the doctor and the small fry. you know YT exists, and you might assume theyre part of team whatsit, but its unconfirmed. you dont know the CEO exists at all. and in terms of team admins, two seems fair, not super unnatural. no worries.
it also gives a good spread of how these admins feel about what theyre doing and what they specifically support. YT, she hates this, but she supports the ‘goal’ of defaming the gym leaders/e4/champ. hence, she heads up that division. its not a separate goal, but any time the team wants to fuck with their reputation, YT is the one they call.
the Doc is for public safety. why is he part of a gang? thats my real problem with him but im gonna work on that later. but hes in to keep the people safe and sees the rest as a means to that end, an unfortunate stepping stone on the way to like, security n shit. hes a bit oblivious to just hoooowwww bad the leader is
the CEO is all about control. control freak. its why they were placed as the ceo of the facade company, they run shit, fastidious, they want the world just so. they dont care about the e4 or about public safety, but think that if dealing with those will lead to their perfect lil sphere of influence, theyll make pretend.
the small fry is basically just leader lite. they totally idolise the leader of team whatsit, and as such they just PARROT it. they emulate the leader in every way, minus tact and like, general competence. so theyre just like, cult like, its kinda fucked if you think about it. the reason theyre an admin is basically just as a fall guy.
the idea here is that soon, soooooon, team whatsit’s facade company is gonna do a MASSIVE raid on a team whatsit warehouse, and they will capture small fry. hand them over to the police. because small fry is actually an admin, they can act convincingly to the police, but because the other admins arent actually divulging secrets to small fry, they are at noo risk of being uncovered through this. as a result of this, to ensure small fry doesnt know too much, theyve only heard fake names of the other admins, fake locations and shit about them, and theyve ONLY met the leader face to face. their news comes to them through letters exclusively. they dont know anything more than they should.
and itd be fun because when YOU meet small fry, which is before the Big Raid, they tell you all this super innacurate information. like, you already know who the Doc is (because he does have a name i just havent made it up yet), but this small fry tells you a completely incorrect name. like everything he says in incorrect. and youre like, what the fuck is happening??? why is this admin so out of loop?
and the thing is, its pretty fucked up, because if the small fry realises that theyve been tricked, that the leader betrayed them and is getting them genuinely sent to jail (because to break them out would be to put the whole peace facade at risk), they cant actually tattle. because they dont know ANYTHING. theyre fucked, basically. the only way that admin gets off is if the leader admits everything, or if you (the player) found something that proved their ‘innocence’ and lack of evil intent. you probably wouldnt, though. cause the idea is, this admin is REALLY small fry. you encounter them maybe twice, once separately in a small town where they attempt to orchestrate smth, like a rbbery of a family business, something petty. and then once during the raid, which you take part in, i think. cause you ran errands for the CEO, and they call on you for another favour because youre oh so talented, to help them raid the warehouse and capture small fry. and you do! you get to small fry and theyre captured. CEO congratulates you with a nice sum of money, and tells you that if you ever wants a job with the company when youre older, that the door is always open. thats the laaaast time you see small fry (they might be mentioned on tv occasionally thereafter because of the story trigger), and its the last time you mandatorily see the CEO before theyre revealed to be Big Ol Bad.
idk. i think its fun? like it sucks for small fry because i imagine theyre young, possibly a similar age to YT (who is, AT MOST, 25, and much more likely to be around 20 years old), or a lil younger, say 18. naive, enamoured. poor kid.
i think small fry is the only admin you cant actually rescue, unless theyres a post game story (side story, because in my Dream of Dreams theres like 5 post game subplots because fuck you god i live my life) in which you visit them in the police center and help em clear their name. dunno how THAT’d manifest. maybe its part of a YT story. like, post game, you do a bunch of YT missions to help the tie up loose ends. free small fry. help the doctor. punch the ceo in the face. that sort of thing. i mean thats incredibly vague.
i mean, you cant rescue the CEO or the Leader either. the doctor is probably fine. YT is either captured voluntarily or disappears into the ether only to reappear to roundhouse kick elito and leave again. possibly a combob. idk. thatd be an interesting idea for post game. or, ooh, something to do with the gym leaders. helping them sorta rebuild the city, that sorta shit. cause like, the city (Melbourne, fuckeeeeerrrrssss) got straight up fucked. not as bad as like, opelucid that one time, though that was also JUST some ice and it maybe caused some minor flooding. this shit was like rage on the streets, or something. lot of damage. bunch of broken windows. worker and police npcs everywhere. yknow.
and you help them fix that up, maybe while hunting down the CEO, perhaps, or the leader if they made a getaway. im thinking the CEO, because if the leader got away itd be a kind of cop out (see at least with ghetsis he broke out BETWEEN games. thats a difference), but the CEO being out in the wild isnt hyper unusual.
idk. thats some far future shit.
as far as encounters with the admins goes???? or with the team in general. so first you meet grunts, and then you meet small fry (1). meet more grunts, and perhaps thats how you meet CEO (-1), through being witnessed. idk. whoo. then you meet more grunts, and then im thinking you meet Doc (1). then you meet CEO (0) again, after you run the errand, and then you go off to the next town without incident before the raid, where you ruin small frys (2) life. then im thinking you keep going and thats when you meet YT (1) as an admin for the first time, when you decide to keep dishing out vigilante justice and go after them in another place. after you, you encounter CEO (1) as admin as well. this is JUST before chaos city shit, in which you will fight CEO (2) DOC (2) and YT (2) again. its also where youll meet leader (1). and im thinking you might fight them twice. the first time solo, and the second time after the summoning of the legendaries, in which its a double fight with leader (2) and CEO/YT (3?), depending. then you win, congrats. you only fight doc twice. after you beat him in the city he exits the building to go help people on the street, and he is not present at the whatsit climax.
not sure if the double battle is with YT or CEO. might depend on in what order you fight them in the city. you do see YT before you get to the building, as YT is in the pokemon center and tells you to leave for your own safety. also with the double battle, not sure if you and your friend have the legendarie or they do. both make sense. i like both. also why is your friend there? mans powerful.
problem with that rundown is it DOES possibly remove the whole ‘elito fucking flees’ scenario but that could easily be slotted into the skyscraper thing and serve to remove YT from the climax of it, thus leaving the double battle as Leader/CEO. Besides, youve fought YT BEFORE that as well. theres the optional fight that lets you skip doing like the 3rd gym until way later, and theres a fight i think befor and after that one. one really early, not when she first meets you in like the first town that isnt your home, maybe the one after that. and then theres another in between like. the doc fight and the small fry battle. maybe yt tries to prevent you from joining the raid (UNDERSTANDABLY given what happened to her). thatd be fun. and thatd be the last time you see her before the admin reveal. yea, thatd work ok.
ofc the problem is pacing. aside from the fact that Fuck Me I cant Pace Worth a Shit, the towns need to be placed good. the last thing i want is a repeat of west kalos which was the MOST BORING THING THAT EVER HAPPENED. god fuck west kalos. west kalos is ass. cause you beat viola, right, and then you go to lumiose, go to the useless town, go to the manor up the road, go to another useless town, go to a cave, THEN you get to the next town and fight grant and its like what the fuck was that about. god that shit was stupid. you didnt even get to fight an admin at the end of that cave shit. god that was dumb. god fuck west kalos.
but yea. you dont wanna repeat it. and one way we do that is by not arbitrarily shutting off half of a fucking city. mostly because pokeMelbourne would be more uh, city on melemele than Lumiose Cuck Fuck. Hold on, i need to do a quick comparison in sizes, hold up.
well. melbourne certainly is bigger than paris. but i think, oooh, OOOOOOHHHH, ooooooooh no ive got an idea. cause like, /i/ live in the city of melbourne right, despite being a solid hour from the cbd, im like half way from the city to the east beaches. (ok more like a third but bare with me)
so. you could have a biiiig sprawling city that is actually divided into 3 ‘places’. like, its a big urban sprawl. and youve got the cbd, which is ‘the city proper’, which is where the chaos takes place. and then there are two outer suburbs of the city!!!! which means you could have multiple gyms within the same ‘city’, because the city by square kms is Fucking Giganto like, guys, Paris is like 100sq kms and melbourne is 9900sq kms, get the Fuck out of here, oh my god. shit, even new york (castelia) is like, 800sq kms. buddy. buddy we’re in. oh buddy that sounds so cool. cause then it means, ooh, if we /wanted/ to do something akin to skipping the gym in lumiose the first time, it wouldnt be an issue, because there are still two other gyms. you dont feel like its a useless detour. like oh no, a power outage, cant even walk the fucking streets, wow. not like backup generators exist.
but like, youd have home town, then next town with the first gym (and your first YT encounter, sans fight because she doesnt fight you), THEN you enter the city outskirts and its a second gym, then the city proper and you skip that gym because thats like the 5th gym, then you head out the western outskirts and fight the 3rd gym. something like that! and the connecting routes would be city streets slowly getting more and more urban the closer you get to the city proper. ooooooOOOOOOHHH yea i like that, i like that a lot.
see this is fun. i love this
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
Oh well!
Lol i just recorded a two hour lets play of the magical diary 2 demo and just realized that well.. I hadnt.
It only captured the gameplay footage and not my voice! I accidentally selected the 'window mode' on bandicam when usually i use the 'custom recording size' option cos it avoids glitches recording older games that arent compatible with some of windows 10's features. So i hadnt set up any of the settings in the mode i dont usually use, so it didnt record any of my mic. Sucks!
But oh well at least i know im getting a little bit more confident now cos i can have a mistake like this and not be all 'oh everything is ruined im gonna give up forever' over something that wasnt really my fault. And it was still fun to get all hyped playing the demo for a sequel to a fun childhood game! A shame i rambled so much about all that nostalgia and nobody even heard it, tho!
It looks REAL GOOD!! Its got gameplay improvements and a fabulous new art style and increased quality in basically everything!! And you get to see alternate perspectives on stuff! Its not just the boy route of the samw game, you also get to see the different perspective of a student from a famous wizarding family instead of a muggleborn/wildseed. And already we've seen hints at lore and new sides to characters who were minor npcs in the original but are gonna be romanceable this time. Wooo!! And there's this new girl from snake house (basically syltherin) and im SO GLAD cos seriously they gpt the short end of the stick in the first game! I think if you make a harry potter inspired story and you keep "syltherin are all evil bad" then you really wasted a lot of potential.
Also i vented a lot about a random unrelated character i made around that time when i was growing up, cos i randomly decided to make him in this character creator. His name was Kinu cos i was a bit of a weeb and literally just picked a random word from a japanese dictionary. And he was this sort of clockwork automaton homunculus thing? Like an android but more magitek-ish. But his plot was that he didnt know he wasnt a real person! He was just a sweet sad socially anxious guy who was actually an ultimate weapon in disguise. Alas! He was made by the main evil group in that story and his whole concept was basically 'a guy on the bad guys who isnt a bad guy and you feel super guilty fighting him'. He just sorta wandered dreamlike through life and didnt know there was anything weird about his job. "Everyone has to occasionally have life or death fights with supernatural creatures in order to earn those moments of peaceful normal life, right?" And they basically just deactivated him and stuffed him a box between battles and he was just happy whenever he was allowed to stray away slightly on missions and actually experience a bit of the real world. And then when he was doing really well as the most successful of the generic robo troops he got allowed to stay active longer and be a member of the main villain team. Which was a ragtag family of awkward folks with heartwarming friendship, of course! Thus many moments of cute awkwardness of the chain smoking asshole lady being all "damn big sister instinct" and going from pulling pranks on him to genuinely feeling proud of his progress as a human being. Dude buys his first burger at mcdonalds and the whole evil team weeps tears of joy and gives him fifty gold stars! Oh also for some reason he fought using an umbrella? The idea was that when he snapped into ultimate weapon mode he was so inhumanly strong he could just grab the nearest thing and kill you with it, no matter how unlikely. But one day he just happened to pick up an umbrella that happened to be able to talk, and they became best friends! And she's like a cute positive influence who tries to help him make more choices for himself and do what he wants to do, instead of obeying his evil bosses. But in the process it also leads to him noticing the holes in his life and worrying he might not be human. But umbrella-pal doesnt worry, after all she's a ghost possessing an object and a robot is basically the same thing right? So yeh many angsty sad and adorably cute adventures ensue for this man!
I was just randomly reminded of him cos of this game aaa why did i go so offtopic...
0 notes
isaacathom · 8 years ago
honestly all YT wants to do is kick elitos ass but it needs to be in the right scenario. she needs the atmosphere. she needs the grunts. she needs stakes. like she will NOT be satisfied by just walking up to him on the street and decking him. nooo, she needs it to mean something, not just to her, but to the world. she wants them to feel the weight of what he did.
she hates team whatsit. for pretty obvious reasons, since they did almost kill her one time. but she owes one of the admins a favour (that is, they saved her life, at the time unaware she’d been injured by grunts), and shes repaying that debt by acting as an admin of the team. but shes not into it. hence she spends her time trying to dissuade you from listening to elito, following her personal vendetta. but shes a strong fighter, and at least shes not directly fighting team whatsit, so they let her do that stuff.
also!! team whatsit!!! james bond types!!!! which means a similar aesthetic to businessmen, but there are meaningful differences. cause if i did businessmen, itd veer too close to Giovanni and then to Team Flares whole mafia aesthetic (which completely skipped me by because the mafia at least look classy. i hate team flare)
but if i go the secret agent route, its got good fun. im not sure if female grunts would be bond girls but like.... f!james bond, because there is a difference. possibly a mix. like, since i want variation within classes anyway, maybe i could have some female grunts in suits and some in dresses? ooh
also they look stupid. like, the admins, following the aesthetic, they look classy, like they could walk out of a limosuine in front of a large casino and challenge ol james to a poker match. but the grunts, they arent quite on the page. theyve got the costumes, but theyre probably wearing them wrong. untailored suits, jackets tucked into pants, ties hanging loose and floppy or just straight up tied wrong. messy hair. that sort of thing! thatd be fun to me. because itd lull you into security, thinking that team whatsit are just bumbling fools, would be spies. so that the chaos in the city, and the reveal that theyve been observing you all game right under your nose is like ‘WOAH. COMPETENCE!!’
thatd be fun. id enjoy that a lot.
also, the team. instead of trying to like, divide and conquer the people. i think instead, they make an ENEMY for the people to unite against. yknow, like dictators do sometimes. yknow. that thing.
yea. that. im thinking the gym leaders and e4/champ. look at them. on their mountain. ignoring all that goes on below! ignoring your plight! yknow, political rhetoric.
of course, it goes downhill for them because its demonstrated that an e4 (elito) is actively trying to help, that you as a 14 year old are actually perfectly capable of kicking team whatsits ass, that the gym leaders have been doing a lot to help.
it probably stems from that initial failed raid on the team whatsit old headquarters. thats what it was. the e4 and gym leaders (some of them, anyway) rolled up to their old headquarters out in the country with the intent to deliver some justice. but it failed. why’d it fail? because elito took a young girl with him to help him fight grunts, and fled at the first sign of danger, leaving a young girl unable to prevent grunts from warning the higher ups of danger. because the people all went ‘lets split up!” and elito walked into an obvious trap that allowed the grunts to immediately notify the higher ups and get them out.
so when it comes to light that all that came of the raid was like, 2 or 3 grunts with 0 information, the community is PISSED. and team whatsit goes, hmm, we could use this :) and they set up a public defence company. they made it their new headquarters. they began the process of working their tendrils out into the community.
only problem with this is that community opinion towards team whatsit wouldnt have changed much? especially with grunts running around doing petty shit. UNLESS. oooooh, unless, ok, this is where it gets complicated. there are two branches. one retains the branding on the old organisation, and they run around committing petty crime, being shit, theyre the grunts you fight all game. the other org, thats the group with the admins and with the spies inconspicuous amongst the public. and that Higher group, theyd stage a raid on a warehouse. a shitty warehouse, with not much in it, with decoys. but theyd stage a raid and successfully capture a bunch of grunts, including one pretending to be an admin. its a publicity stunt. all throughout the game, you see this business interrupting team whatsit (lower)
then, BAM. actually the same organisation?
problem is this does sound a little bit like the whole team skull/aether thing, but the difference is that aether was funding skull, but was a separate group established separately. whereas team whatsit (lower) and team whatsit (higher) have always been the same group
hmmn. they couldve just totally rebranded? but its still like, whatre the grunts doing. unless the higher ups only wear the branding in meetings, and in public have the jackets (like YT does) that conceal all of it and they seem like ordinary folk. that... might work better.
the only way to really make it work, and not be a skull/aether thing, is you make the ‘business’ bit lowkey. like DEVON Corp. just minor. you run an errand for them, meeting one of the admins who wouldnt have been revealed previously, and they act the companies face. and you run an errand. you see them maybe stop some team whatsit grunts from robbing you/your rival. that sorta thing. like you assume theyre regional, restricted to the city. they get mentioned occasionally, such as that theyve been branching out into civil security and helping people guard their homes from thugs, and you see it, but nothing happens like a nintendo trailer where its like ‘HERES THIS TOTALLY GOOD AND NOT-EVIL ORGANISATION!!! JUST FOR FUNSIES XOXO’ they just. theyre there? you dont know them.
then, ooooh, oooooooh. the admin acting as company face, you encounter them after youve fought YT as an admin (since, rmb, your first fights with her arent as admin, like Ns stuff). and its like, woah, uhm, oh dear. and they react bad too, like, oh fuck, arent you that kid i sent to do errands, i mean, uhm, oh fuck, you arent leaving this building!!!!
and after you beat them, thats when the city goes high chaos. the admin goes ‘well, its fine. we’re ready to begin anyway! see you there, champ! oh wait, you cant leave, :D’ and they get all the doors locked remotely and teleport out before closing it. if that makes sense. so youre trapped in the admins office. which means time will pass! it basically just serves to explain how the admin has time to get back to the city in time to prepare the organisation for total control. i mean you could just use an escape rope lmao but youre probably meant to like, interact with the admins desk and find some buttons and fuck with them. maybe a lil minigame. probably not. thatd be kinda weird. but you get the idea
i like that idea. like, if there was promo material, itd be of team whatsit and their ‘main’ admins, itd introduce the professor and elito and yt. but the admin who works for the company, you never see them. they dont exist. you meet them and yea theyve got a unique model, but this is just steven’s dad sorta thing, this isnt a big deal!
whoops! there they are! calling upon some sea fish from hell! well alright
0 notes